
Sunday, October 31, 2010

East Village Brrrrr....azaar

Spent a chilly afternoon at the East Village Bazaar.  I sold a handful of things, gave out a lot business cards, and had a ton of nice compliments and comments.  An added bonus  was watching a reinactment of the Thriller video and all the dressed up dogs for the Pet Parade. My favorite dressed up was the hound dog dressed up as Elvis

Here I booth I keep streamlined to help ease with the time it takes to set up and tear down.  In the front I have these rectangular glass platters I put coffee beans in to display rings and necklaces.  People loved it...the look and the smell.

And here comes the end of outdoor shows season.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mother Nature's Apology and a Holiday Order

We have had the most beautiful fall in Iowa.  But we knew the inevitable would happen and our luck would run out.  We went from warm and sunny days to bone chilling temps, 40 mph winds, and a morning of rain.  But just when we started cursing at Mother Nature, she goes and gives us a beautiful tough to be mad now!  It's so nice to have the corn gone so we can get our spectacular sunsets back. 

I work with a shop out in San Francisco named Perch.  They found me on Etsy and asked if I would be willing to send out my pieces.  I jumped at it of course and it's been a lot of fun working with them.  To gear up for the holidays, they asked me to send out another shipment of pieces.  In total, 12 pieces were mailed out today including rings, earrings, and bracelets.  Some of my favorites...that I hope find great homes.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend in a Nutshell

The theme for my weekend was Lillja Designs.  I spent 12 hours on Saturday working and walked away with 2 cool bracelets and a ring.  They will be sent out to San Francisco to a shop called Perch.  I have been working with Perch since the Spring and I love it!  Today I went down to the East Village Bazaar and had a booth.  The attendence was low and of course the weather was cloudy and in the upper 60s.  I did make some sales though and met some fun guys from Loki Gardens.  We spent most of the afternoon laughing at the middle aged man band playing behind us.  People were so kind with compliments, and I gave out a lot of business cards.  Most of all I have to thank my husband for tagging along and helping me set up.  I don't know how I could have managed it without him and during the show he was able to find a bar near by to watch football.  Next Sunday is the last weekend for the Bazaar.  Fingers crossed the weather holds never know in Iowa!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Store Update

So I did get a few pieces done this weekend but only snapped a few photos of a couple of the pieces.  Here is a Variscite Sterling Silver Bracelet  and Sterling silver wire basket earrings

More to come tomorrow....... hopefully!

With Fall Comes Change

So I have taken a hiatus or so that would appear but really I have been working harder than ever.  It's coincidental as the trees began making their changes from green leaves to beautiful fall colors that I too have been making changes.  First big change for me was to decide I needed to put some more thought into my business name.  While Lil' Bitty I still hold dear to my heart (combination of my last name and nickname) I always felt very uncomfortable and embarassed to say it.  So after some brainstorming, I have decided to call my jewelry line Lillja Designs.

The second big change for me is I also have launched my very own website!  Lillja Designs at

My Etsy store will still be under lilbitty for the time being.  Please let us change names soon Etsy (fingers crossed, making a wish while blowing out the candles).  If you stumble into Etsy under Lillja Designs, I have a note telling you to go to lilbitty.

As I continue to change and evolve, I hope my work reflects it.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why I love Etsy

I may not be an Etsy "success" story but I stick with it because I enjoy networking with others who are passionate about what they can create with their two hands.  I have had the privelege of corresponding and admiring the work of LovelyLuxeJewels.  I love all her work but there is something about her lovely Mystic Green Gold Vermeil earrings that have caught my eye.  Check them out!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spicy Dill Pickle Canning Recipe

My cucumber plants have started producing bountiful bunches of cucumbers.  There's not much to do with them but pickle and can them.  I use a recipe that is a family favorite that is passed on from my Uncle's mother.  These pickles have a bit of a kick but are awesome in Bloody Mary's, on a relish tray, on a hamburger hot off the grill, or just right out of the jar.

Peg's Spicy Dill Pickles Recipe

5 cups of water
5 cups of white vinegar
1/2 cup of pickling salt

Bring this to a boil

In each jar add:
a clump of dill (I grow my own in the garden)
1/2 tsp of mustard seed
1/4 tsp of minced garlic
1/4 red pepper flakes (for just a little kick)

Fill each jar with the hot liquid and seal.  Makes 8 pints.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Drinking from my saucer

I've Never Made A Fortune and It's Probably Too Late Now but I Don't Worry About That Much i'm Happy Anyhow and As I Go Along Life's Journey I'm Reaping Better Than I Sow I'm Drinking From My Saucer 'cause My Cup Has Overflowed

haven't Got A Lot Of Riches and Sometimes The Going's Tough but I've Got Loving Ones Around Me and That Makes Me Rich Enough I Thank God For His Blessings and The Mercies He's Bestowed I'm Drinking From My Saucer 'cause My Cup Has Overflowed

o, Remember Times When Things went Wrong my Faith Wore Somewhat Thin but All At Once The Dark Clouds Broke and Sun Peeped Through Again so Lord, Help Me Not To Gripe about The Tough Rows That I've Hoed i'm Drinking From My Saucer "cause My Cup Has Overflowed

If God Gives Me Strength And Courage when The Way Grows Steep And Rough I'll Not Ask For Other Blessings I'm Already Blessed Enough and May I Never Be Too Busy to Help Others Bear Their Loads then I'll Keep Drinking From My Saucer "cause My Cup Has Overflowed!"
(Lyrics sang by Michael Combs)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Chicken Salad....summertime staple

I love the summer months because I grow my own fresh vegetables and herbs.  Planting a garden is so easy and there such a self sustaining sense of satisfaction when you start harvesting the things you have grown with your two hands by your two hands. 

I prepare chicken salad frequently during the summer using what I grow in my backyard.  Here's my recipe (kind of, I don't like to follow recipes):

Shredded Chicken - buy a rotisserie chicken, if you are short on time or place chicken on a broiler pan add liquid (water, broth, beer, etc) to the bottom of the pan and cover in foil. Cook on 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes very moist chicken!

Mayo - low fat, full of fat....whatever you prefer

Fresh Dill - homegrown my backyard

Mandarin Oranges

Dried Cranberries

Grapes cut in half

Brocolli slaw - sneak in the vegetables when you can. Look in your salad section of your grocery store...similar to cole slaw only made out of brocolli

Sweet pickle relish - (I can my own)

Peppers (red, yellow, and orange)

Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Fresh lemon juice

And if I was a single gal I would add in some onion...but my honey hates it so I do without :(
Add in whatever else you like in your salad (pecans, etc.). Mix to your taste buds desire. Remember you can't screw up chicken salad!

Serve rolled up in lettuce, torillas, sourdough rolls, or on whatever you want. Slice some fresh tomaotes (romas are my favorite) and toss on top. Prepare enough for seconds!

Where I got my start

I spent 3 years of my childhood living in Oklahoma next door to a retired jeweler, George, who spent his afternoons out in his studio. He was a collector of rocks and stones and he would use them to decorate their flower beds and gardens in their backyard. I loved looking at them when I was a kid. One memory that still sticks with me is George always carried jawbreakers in his pockets and would tend to rattle the wrappers. It was torture to kids who were not to be asking him for one.

Because we lived away from our family, he and his wife were our surrogant grandparents. Three years later we moved back to Iowa and little did we know at the time we would never get to see George again. I took the call at home that day several years later when a former worker of my dad's called from Oklahoma to tell us that George had passed away. My parents went down to Oklahoma for his funeral and came home with two boxes of his tools. These two boxes sat for over 20 years collecting dust and rust. My curiosity and desire to learn his art has brought these tools back to life. I know he is proud his little "Jeca" following in his footsteps. I love that I have a story of how I got into silversmithing!